Kamis, 26 April 2018

OPEN Platform

ICO Review (Powering Decentralized Payments for Applications)

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Blockchain technology is the newest in the tech industry and business, financial institution, centralized applications and even Governments are already moving to Blockchain technology and adopting the tech as a way to better secure and manage their data in a more decentralized and transparent way.
But getting started on the blockchain tech requires a technical know-how. You have to understand blockchain and every concept.
For a business owner you have to hire blockchain experts which cost a lot of money and time to develop
For a developer you have to re-train yourself to better understand blockchain and that requires time.
For an employer you have re-trained all your staff to align on the blockchain part.
Over the year’s developer, business owners have been looking for a platform that will help them integrate their already existing platform on the blockchain as well as maintain productivity, remain competitive, reduce cost and still offer their client best experience on the blockchain. COULD OPEN PLATFORM BE THE SOLUTION? Well let’s take a look at open platform
The OPEN Platform is a blockchain based developer platform centered around providing payment infrastructure for mainstream application developers to embrace decentralized technologies.
OPEN Platform enables developers to similarly accept and process payments on blockchains in a way in which an application would require. If you are familiar with Stripe
Open platform wants to achieve such on the blockchain. And the team they want to achieved this includes people who have worked in places like:
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Let me give an example what it is like. I have an online shop where I sale e-book and the online shop is connected to a payment gateway using API which will enable me to bill my customers , the online shop has a backend where I manage my sales, view orders, how much I have made, pending others etc. I can use payment API like stripe to bill my customers to collect fiat from their credit card.
Now with crypto currency been accepted in majority of the country. If I want to integrate crypto currency payment on my online shop. I will have to re-design my shop to be able to cater for the feature.
Open platform give you exactly stripe like API service to enable you collect payment on your platform on the blockchain.
OPEN's payment gateway acts as any other centralized payment gateway except that it will feature faster transaction times, lower fees, and verification through the blockchain. Developers can access the payment features via OPEN API in the same way that they use third-party payment gateways, making cryptocurrency accessible to any application immediately.
OPEN Platform will be having their ICO for the OPEN token you can participate and join the token to Power Decentralized Payments for Applications
Learn More About OPEN Platform:
Note: This is not a financial advice I am just sharing my personal opinion on the ICO I want to invest on. Do your own research before getting into any ICO. Investing in ICO is risky and you could lose your money.
So Guys let me know what you think of this project.
ETH address: 0xFa81c87127F42fA562770c6c8F71b6EaE995D578

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